Minutes – October 9th 2018


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 9th October 2018 at 7pm

Public Time

No members of the public attended.


Cllrs Cook, Moriarty, Squires, Skeaping, Fowler, Tainsh. Also Dr Redding (Clerk)

  1. Apologies

Cllr MacIntyre

  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held 11th September 2018

Some amendments were made.  


  • Updates to actions from last meeting 11th September 2018 and further actions required

All actions had been completed except a note to the DNPA regarding the errors in the settlement plan. The Clerk will send this following the meeting (A1).

  • Reports from Outside Bodies

Southern Link meeting minutes – There were some notes in the minutes regarding business rates payable on public buildings which may be an issue for Parish Councils to consider if they are thinking of taking over the public toilets. 

It was also noted that the TAP fund has been superseded by the Communities Together Fund.

  • Borough Council Reports


  • Finances

Budget – The Clerk presented the proposed budget for 2019-2020. This was discussed and some members of the PC suggested that despite rising costs the precept should not be raised for 2019-2020 and the shortfall could be funded from the reserves. This suggestion was not agreed unanimously. Therefore a motion was proposed. 

Motion – to accept the draft budget as presented and not to increase the precept for 2019-2020

Votes –  In favour – 5 Against – 1         The motion was carried. 

The Clerk will present the full budget in the November meeting.

7a – Bills for Payment

£276.83 (1306)  T Redding Pay

£64.60  (1331) HMRC

£21.99 (1332) T Redding (Stationery)

£54.00  (1333) RBL Poppy Wreaths

7b Grant applications

Okehampton District Community Transport Group requested a donation. The PC agreed that while it had insufficient funds available at present to make a donation it would be happy to be the lead council in a Communities Together Fund application by the group. The Clerk was asked to send a letter with this suggestion to the group (A2)   

  • Planning Applications


  • Correspondence
  1. B Cook – notes on public toilets. The PC decided that there is no action to be taken at present.
  2. COEVAL – quote for 2nd VAS equipment for the northbound carriageway of the A386. See discussion under Agenda Item Section 10.
  3. Dartmoor MAT – response to letter from the Clerk. The MAT will take the action on the MUGA forward therefore no action is required at present. 
  4. Okehampton Community Transport Group – letter requesting a donation. See Section 7b for discussion.
  5. WDBC – Election Guide – information noted. 
  6. DNPA Local Plan Newsletter – the information was noted. The Plan will be published in November 2019.
  7. Tamar Valley AONB information forwarded from Cllr Mott regarding the proposed extension of the AONB area (see the Glover Report). The PC noted that the information lacked clarity but decided that at present this was not of great relevance for Lydford. 
  8. J Smith – Parish Maps. The PC considered the information and decided that there were other alternatives available.
  9. CPRE – Research Report on rail transport – the information was noted.
  10. J Goffey – information on Okehampton Parkway Station. The PC considered the information and noted that there had been little information forthcoming recently from Network Rail regarding the railway plans.
  11. Devon Communities Together Newsletters – the information was noted
  1. Agenda Items and date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Public Toilets – no action to be taken at present. 
  3. VAS signs. The quote from COEVAL was approximately £400 over budget but it was the lowest quote provided. The PC discussed whether the funds could be taken out of the reserves. There was some disagreement on the way forward.

Therefore a motion was proposed:

Motion –  the Clerk should apply for the amount of the shortfall from the Communities Together Fund (A3). However the Clerk should go ahead and purchase the sign in the knowledge that the funding may need to come from parish reserves if other sources of funds are not available. 

Vote  – In favour – 4            Against – 2

The motion was carried

  • Emergency Readiness Plans (ERP) – Cllr Tainsh summarised the requirements of an ERP and the Devon and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Resilience Forums identified main community risks.  Under the Devon Communities Together Fund, Parish Councils can bid for £1000 for emergency equipment and £250 for writing the plan.

The PC agreed to make an application for a grant. Cllrs Squires, Tainsh and MacIntyre will take this forward (A4).

In relation to obtaining a Parish map there was a suggestion that Ordnance Survey for public bodies could be explored. Cllr Tainsh will take this forward (A5)

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 13th November 2018

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
  2. A letter regarding the poor state of the road from the Memorial to the Castle Inn was received. The PC asked the Clerk to send a note to the sender with a copy of the Highways response to similar enquiries received earlier in the year (A6).

Meeting closed at 20:58

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson                       Dated    

A1Lydford Settlement Plan revision DNPA 
A2Letter to Okehampton District Community Transport Group 
A3 Application to Communities Together Fund for VAS shortfall 
A4Application to Communities Together Fund for emergency readiness plan composition. Cllr Tainsh, Squires, MacIntyre 
A5Ordnance Survey for Public Bodies to explore for Parish map. Cllr Tainsh 
A6Response to letter regarding state of the road