Minutes – May 4th 2021 

Minutes of the  Annual and Parish Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held online on Tuesday 4th May 2021, 7.00pm 

Present:  CllrSquires (Chair); Cllr. Skeaping; Cllr Tainsh; Cllr Cook; Cllr Blackmore; Cllr Grigg; John Bright (Clerk); Cllrs Mott and Southcott  (Borough Councillors) 

Meeting commenced 7:00pm

1) Election of Chair:

a) Councillor Squires was nominated and elected to stand as Chair for Lydford Parish Council until 2022. Proposed; Cllr Tainsh Seconded; Cllr Skeaping. All in favour.

b) Councillors received Cllr Squires’ Declaration of Acceptance.

2) Election of Vice Chair:

Councillor Grigg was nominated and elected as Vice Chair for the Council for the coming year. Proposed; Cllr Squires Seconded Cllr Cook. All in favour. 

3) Council Policies:

a) Councillors discussed and resolved to adopt the following policies –

  • Complaints Procedure
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Grievance Policy
  • Equality Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Retention Policy
  • Statement of Internal Control V.3 (2021)
  • Reserves Policy V.2 (2021)

Proposed; Cllr Tainsh Seconded Cllr Squires. All in favour.

b) Councillors approved the continued use of the following policies – 

  • Data Protection (2019)
  • Standing Orders (2019)

The review of the existing Code of Conduct was withdrawn by the Clerk because of the anticipated publication of an updated model from WDBC which should be considered by the Council. The existing Code of Conduct will remain in force until then.

Councillors agreed that going forward each monthly agenda should contain the review of one of the Council policies. (AP1)

4. Public Session:

No members of the public in attendance 

5) Apologies for absence:

None received

6) Declarations of interest: 


7)   Minutes of previous meeting:

The minutes were approved as a true record. Proposed – Cllr, Skeaping Seconded – Cllr Cook. All in favour. The agreement to be noted on the published minutes.

8)  Matters arising from previous meeting:

The Hawthorn Park footpath has still not been cleaned of moss by Highways. Clerk to send a further reminder to Councillor Sanders. (AP2)

Following the latest RoSPA inspection Councillor Tainsh followed up on the report that a stepping log in the play area was loose and reported that the log was secure and sound. The Maintenance Committee has been asked to avoid strimming too close to the wooden posts to avoid damaging the surfaces and opening them to decay.

9) Reports from Outside Bodies


10) Report from Borough Councillors:

Councillor Southcott raised the matter of the local Speedwatch group. The problems associated by vehicles being driven through the village at excess speed or without due regard for other road users were discussed.

Councillors agreed that the first steps should be the collection of real data, to which end Councillor Southcott will organise Speedwatch sessions to measure the speeds of traffic at discreet periods of one hour, but needs parishioners to volunteer. They will need to conduct approximately 30 minutes of online safety awareness training and will receive training on the use of the measurement equipment. Names to Councillor Southcott.

(AP3) Council to seek volunteers to set up Speedwatch group in Lydford through Facebook, minutes and Parish Magazine.

11) Climate Emergency (Standing Item)

Nothing further to add at this stage.

12) Public toilets (Standing Item)

Councillor Grigg reported that there had been further damage to the cubicle doors in the Ladies’ toilets. The matter has been reported to the Police and a crime number (035319/21) has been allocated. There have also been complaints received from the cleaner about the poor condition that the facility is left in on occasion; dirty footprints on walls and doors being the latest example.

Councillors agreed that the possibility of establishing a pay on entry system would not only increase the security of the toilets and thus reduce the potential for damage, but would also assist the Council and community by raising funds towards the upkeep of the building. Councillor Grigg will explore a variety of different systems and gather a few indicative quotes for the next meeting of the Council (AP4)

Councillor Grigg felt that the facility is in need of redecorating inside and out and will arrange with a local handyman to provide a quote to complete the work (AP5).

13) Playground inspections

Cllrs Squires, Skeaping & Tainsh reported that they had inspected the playground equipment in the period from the last meeting.

Clerk to adapt and circulate the approved checklist from RoSPA (AP6)

14) Finances

Councillors resolved to approve the following payments: 

  1. J Bright                        £23.99             Toilet supplies
  2. BHIB                          £481.41              Council insurance renewal
  3. J Bright                        £14.39             Zoom subscription
  4. J Bright                        £22.80             Office Antivirus protection
  5. J Bright                      £307.72              Salary, May
  6. HMRC                          £72.20             PAYE, May
  7. Penny Clapham           £55.00             Internal Audit fees
  8. Jade Tennant           £566.50               Toilet cleaning April

Proposed – Cllr Squires, seconded – Cllr Grigg. All in favour.

15) Actions taken under Delegated Authority since the last Council meeting in April


16) Certificate of Exemption

Proposed that the Certificate of Exemption from External Audit be signed, Cllr MacAlister, seconded Councillor Grigg. All in favour. The Certificate was signed by the Chairman.

17) Annual governance Statement

Proposed that the Annual Governance Statement be signed, Councillor Blackmore, seconded Councillor Grigg. All in Favour. The Certificate was signed by the Chairman.

18) Accounting Statement

Proposed that the Annual Accounting Statement 2020/21 be signed, Councillor Grigg, seconded Councillor Skeaping. All in Favour. The Statement was signed by the Chairman.

19) Planning applications

The were no applications for Planning Permission received by the Council. Councillors have been asked by WDBC for their thoughts on a Licensing Application received from the owners of the Castle Inn, who are seeking permission for the installation of an outside bar at the rear of the premises. Councillors asked for further details before giving their reply. Clerk to obtain full details of the application from WDBC (AP7)

18) Any other urgent business

Councillor Tainsh asked that the campaign for the reinstatement of the Okehampton to Tavistock railway be placed on the next agenda so that the Council can discuss and agree a position. (AP8)

Meeting closed 20:50

Next meeting Tuesday 13th June 2021, 19:00 at Nicholls Hall, Lydford


AP1Clerk to add regular item on future agendas to check Council policiesCompleted 
AP2Clerk to chase Devon Highways & Cllr Sanders to get the footpath to Hawthorn Park cleaned. 
AP3Clerk to add piece to Parish News article requesting volunteers for Speedwatch Lydford, and to organise same is done on Facebook page 
AP4Cllr Grigg to collect indicative quotes for toilet pay on entry system. 
AP5Cllr Grigg to arrange for quote to redecorate the toilet block inside and out. 
AP6Clerk to edit & circulate safety check-list for monthly safety inspections of playground 
AP7Clerk to obtain & circulate full details of licensing application regarding outside bar at the Castle Inn.Completed 14.5.21
AP8Clerk to add agenda item on campaign to re-open the Okehampton to Tavistock railway line. 
From AprilClerk to order more No-fouling signs and pass to Cllr Skeaping