Minutes – November 9th 2021
Minutes of the meeting of Lydford Parish Council
Tuesday 9th November 2021 starting at 19:00
Present: Cllr Squires (Chair), Cllr Blackmore, Cllr Cook, Cllr Grigg, Cllr Skeaping, Cllrs Mott & Southcott (WDBC), John Bright (Clerk)
- Public Session
- Platinum Jubilee – Sue Powne. Sue has organised a meeting in the Nicholls Hall for 18.11.2021 (7.00pm) to garner support for an event during the extended weekend of 2nd to 5th June 2022, and to collect some ideas. At the last jubilee the PC paid for a single drink for everyone. Councillors assured Sue that they are keen to support an event and that grant funds are available to help.
- Land adjacent to Lydford primary school – Dan Morrow CEO Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust wanted to talk to the Council about the land beside the school which is coming up for public auction. Currently the MAT is in negotiations with the vendor directly. Should they be successful, the MAT is considering erecting a wooden structure on the site to act as a library or similar for the students at the school, although there may be facility for the community to use it in the future. Councillors explained that the Council is not in a position to help with any purchase or approve any future planning application.
- It was reported that campervans have regularly been seen parking overnight in the public car park. Clerk to inform the Dartmoor Ranger of the parking and request the installation of no overnight camping signs similar to those already installed at car parks on the high moor (AP1)
Ended 19:22
- Apologies for Absence
Cllr Tainsh work
Cllr Sanders work – both accepted
- Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.
4. Minutes of the meeting held 12th October 2021
With one amendment, the minutes were accepted – Proposed Cllr Squires, seconded cllr Blackmore. All in favour.
- Matters arising from the meeting 12th October 2021
- The brambles protruding from the hedge outside the vacant plot in Hawthorn Park have not yet been cut back – Cllr Grigg to contact Highways (AP2)
- Lengthsman has cleared the ditch opposite Bolt House. No invoice has been received as yet. Councillors to look out for other work that needs carrying out in the village
- Information Board – following a review, the information board in the public car park was considered to be satisfactory for the time being and not in need of update or replacement.
- Update on matters that have arisen since last meeting
- Replacement Home Guard Bench – the new bench has been delivered to Merriment House and (weather permitting) will be installed this week. The installer has been given a deadline of 16thNovember, which would have been Ian Hardy’s birthday. Plaques have been ordered.
- Tree Hub – The hall has been booked for the morning of Sunday 30th January and saplings will be available for distribution then. Council is happy to pay the booking fee (£11.00) for the event.
- Reports from Outside Bodies
- Councillor Squires will attend the Devon superlink meeting to be held online on 7th December 2021.
- Borough Councillors Report (circulated)
- Cllrs Mott & Southcott stated that they held limited grant money which is available for small local projects. The proposed installation of bike racks in the village might meet the criteria for these local grants. The Council will need to obtain permission from the land-owners before proceeding with any project.
- Cllr Southcott reported that he is still awaiting a PCSO safety check before he can inaugurate the Lydford SpeedWatch group. Councillors urged the need for haste in getting the group set up to supply accurate data on speed through the village.
- Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)
- Enquiries with Western power have not proven fruitful; when asked whether the grid supplying Lydford could cope with supplying a 90kVA rapid charger Western Power have gone off to build a full quote. Cllr Mott can supply contact details from someone at WDBC who may be able to help.
- Mr Morrow reported that Lydford Primary School will be carbon neutral by 2023
- Public toilets (standing item)
- Councillor Grigg explained to the Council that the CCTV equipment will be installed by the end of the month. The organization supplying and installing the equipment are able to guide the Council on proper data management.
- Councillors discussed the draft contract but felt unable to sign until they had clarification of the Council’s actual / potential liability under clause 1.9. The Council was advised by Jade Tennant and Councillor Grigg that the Wallgate has not been operable for some time and as it is the subject of clauses 1.6 and 2.3, the device should be rendered fully operational before the new contract of its maintenance was signed. (AP3 – Clerk to seek clarification on the contract clauses from WDBC) (AP4 – Cllr Mott to chase WDBC about the wallgate).
- Playground (standing item)
The swing frame in the playground remains loose. Mr Morrow volunteered to send MAT site management staff to fix the swing (AP5)
- Finances
- Monthly payments
Councillors resolved to approve the payments:
- J Bright £307.52 Salary October
- HMRC £72.40 PAYE October
- J Bright £7.50 Office supplies
- J Bright £4.49 Office supplies
- J Bright £7.99 Office supplies
- Jade Tennant £555.00 Toilet cleaning October
Proposed Cllr Blackmore, seconded Cllr Skeaping, all in favour.
- Councillors received the quarterly finance update
- Budget 2022/23 – Clerk asked Councillors to consider what changes they might wish to make to the budget for next year, as the time for setting the 2022/23 precept is approaching. Cllr Squires asked that the budget form a principle part of the agenda for December’s meeting (AP6 – clerk to add Budget items to December agenda)
- Actions taken under delegated authority since last meeting:
- The Clerk reported that no actions had been taken.
- Planning Applications:
Councillors noted that the applications had been approved:
- 0471/21 Smallands – change of use of ground floor of existing barn to residential occupation
- 0480/21 Higher Beardon – enclose a gated elevation to an agricultural building
- Council Policies:
Councillors agreed to adopt the three new policies:
- Equality Policy V.1
- Grievance Policy V.1
- Health & Safety Policy V.1
Proposed Cllr Cook, seconded Cllr Grigg. All in favour.
- Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.
- The notice boards outside the hall are in need of repair but are nevertheless sound. Clerk to make enquiries as to who owns the two boards. (AP7)
- The emails from a parishioner regarding traffic through the village were discussed, particularly with reference to the apparent risks to children and parents near the school. There was some suggestion that inappropriate parking by parents might be exacerbating the problem, but that no action could be taken without clear and accurate data. Cllr Southcott was further encouraged to bring SpeedWatch “online” with all haste.
- The Clerk reminded Councillors that another outbreak of Avian Flu has been detected and that consequently all bird owners should be taking steps to keep their birds inside.
Meeting closed 20:31
Date of next meeting – Tuesday 14th December 2021
Nicholls Hall, Lydford
Minutes agreed (Signed) Date
Action Points:
1 | Clerk to inform the Dartmoor Ranger of the parking and request the installation of no overnight camping signs similar to those already installed at car parks on the high moor | Completed. Sign erected. |
2 | Cllr Grigg to contact Devon Highways to get the hedge cut outside the vacant plot in Hawthorn Park | Hedge cut by owner |
3 | Clerk to seek clarification from WDBC of clause 1.9 before the toilet maintenance contract can be signed. | Clarification provided by insurance company |
4 | Cllr Mott to ensure WDBC bring the Wallgate in the Lydford public toilets up to serviceable standard before the maintenance contract can be signed. | Wallgates apprently serviced and repaired. To be checked. |
5 | Mr Morrow to arrange for site management staff to repair the swing in the Playground | Report from management staff, circulated. |
6 | Clerk to add Budget items to the agenda for December’s meeting | Completed |
7 | Clerk to establish ownership of the display boards outside the Nicholls Hall with a view to having them repaired. | Enquiry 26.11 |