Minutes – October 12th 2021

Tuesday 12th October 2021 at 7:00pm 

At the Nicholls Hall, Lydford

  1. Public Session (15 minutes or at the discretion of the Chair)
  2. Councillors were asked why there are not bike racks within the village, particularly in the car park.
  3. AP1 – Clerk to investigate prices for installing bike racks in car park / outside the hall. Cllr Mott – there are grants available through WDBC which may be appropriate for purchase and installation of bike racks.
  4. It was suggested that many people visiting the village are not aware that it once had its own railway station, and that an Information board might be placed in the village for public information. 
  5. The suggestion of a Lydford Tree Hub is gaining popularity.
  • Apologies for Absence

Cllr Blackmore – work, Cllr Grigg – family illness, Cllr Sanders (DCC) – isolating under instruction.

Present Cllr Cook, Cllr Tainsh, Cllr Squires (Chair), Cllr Skeaping, Cllrs Mott & Southcott (WDBC), John Bright (Clerk)

  • Declarations of Interest          


4.     Minutes of the meeting held 21st September 2021

After a minor correction, acceptance was proposed – Cllr Skeaping, seconded Cllr Cook – all in favour

  • Matters arising from the meeting 21st September 2021
  • The terms of the contract between Lydford PC and WDBC for maintenance of the toilets has been accepted and forwarded to WDBC legal team for formal drafting.
  • Damage to the grass verge at the top of Gorge Hill was caused when a DCC Highways vehicle was driven over it whilst topping up the salt in the bin. The damage has been repaired.
  • There seems to be a good deal of local interest in the proposed Tree Hub. The Council’s interest in establishing the hub has been registered with Saving Devon’s Treescapes, who will be in touch when more is known about funding.
  • The replacement Home Guard Bench will be delivered to Merriment House in early November (supplier cannot be more precise on dates at present) and installed by a local tradesman.
  • Cllr Grigg reported that he has been in contact with the owner of the vacant plot in Hawthorn Park, who stated that she has instructed her contractors who will complete the work.
  • Update on matters that have arisen since last meeting
  • Councillors agreed to continue with Penny Clapham as Auditor for 2021/22 

Proposed, Cllr Cook, Seconded Cllr Squires. All in favour.

  • Reports from Outside Bodies
  • Cllr Squires met with Andy Roden of TORS (Tavistock Okehampton Reopening Scheme) recently regarding potential reinstatement of the northern route. Mr Roden stated that the matter is presently only a proposal to Central Government for funding to perform a full feasibility study into recommissioning the rail link between Okehampton and Tavistock, and thus linking Exeter to Plymouth. It is very unlikely that any decision over funding will be taken before the end of 2021. Mr Roden stated that in the best case scenario a business plan to redevelop the line would not be adopted until 2025 and the line would not be in operation until 2030. The route may not follow the existing track bed (route 27). Some structures like the Bearslake Viaduct have been surveyed and are apparently still viable. But there are no full plans, and no proposals to consult over therefore no need to organize public meetings. 
  • Borough Councillors Report
  • Cllr Southcott has emailed the three members of the parish who originally offered to act as SpeedWatch monitors. Regrettably only one has replied and he feels that at least two more volunteers are needed. Police are waiting to approve another site where readings of vehicles’ speeds through the village can be taken.   
  • Cllr Mott asked the Council to respond to the consultation request from WDBC on the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between WDBC and parish councils. 
  • Cllr Mott reminded the Council that the Local Plan for West Devon has been accepted 
  • Grants available in West Devon that community groups may apply for to help them with any community-based project.
  • Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)

Following consultation with Adam Williams from WDBC, the first point to establish is whether the electrical grid capacity is sufficient to allow for a charging point to be installed in the village. AP2 – clerk to explore grid capacity whether it’s suitable for a charging point, and follow up on information from WDBC (Adam Williams)

  1. Public toilets (standing item)
  2. Cllr Grigg reported the CCTV will be installed outside the public toilets in November in an effort to reduce the vandalism taking place in the toilets.
  1. Playground (standing item)

No update

  1. Finances

Monthly payments

  1. J Bright                 £307.52             Salary September
  2. HMRC                                 £72.40             PAYE September
  3. N Grigg                     £2.00             Toilet supplies
  4. J Bright                   £59.99             Microsoft licence renewal
  5. Jade Tennant                   £555.00             Toilet cleaning September
  6. J Bright                   £34.00             RBL wreaths (x2)

Councillors resolved to approve the payments. Proposed – Cllr Tainsh, seconded Cllr Skeaping – all in favour.

  1. Actions taken under delegated authority since last meeting:

No actions were taken.

  1. Planning Applications:

Application 0527/21 – Clifton Cottage, Lydford – erection of side and rear extension with first floor over rebuilt existing garage. Councillors agreed to support the application.

  1. Council Policies:
    1. Standing Orders (review of 2019 V.1 – no changes made)
    1. Complaints Procedure V.1 (New policy)

Councillors resolved to continue with the existing Standing Orders and to adopt the Complaints Procedure. Proposed – Cllr Cook, seconded – Cllr Tainsh. All in favour.

  • Memorandum of Understanding (proposal from WDBC to clarify actions in response to future planning applications)

Cllrs felt that the MoU was clearly written and were happy to support it. AP3 – Clerk to inform WDBC

  1. Remembrance Day

Two wreaths have been purchased, to be laid on behalf of the Council and Parish. Councillors will be attending in their private capacities. 

  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.
  2. Cllr Tainsh asked for volunteers to allow their houses to be stops on the Trick or Treat trail.
  3. Cllr Skeaping asked if the parish Lengthsman could be tasked with clearing the ditch outside Bolt House as DCC Highways operatives have been unable to gain authority to clear it. AP4 – Clerk to instruct lengthsman. 

Meeting closed 8:04 pm

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 9th November 2021

Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Action Points

AP1Clerk to research prices for public bike racks and consult with DNP about whether they might be installed in the public car park.Awaiting reply from DNP
AP2Clerk to establish with Western Power whether the supply grid to Lydford could support a public charging point.Awaiting guidance from Western Power
AP3Clerk to inform WDBC that Council is happy to accept MoUCompleted
AP4Clerk to instruct Lengthsman to clear the ditch outside Bolt HouseAwaiting reply from Lengthsman