Minutes – January 12th 2021

Minutes of the  Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held online on Tuesday 12th January 2021, 7.00pm

Present:  CllrSquires (Chair);  Cllr. Skeaping; Cllr Tainsh; Cllr Cook; Cllr Blackmore; Cllr Grigg; Cllr MacIntyre; John Bright (Clerk); Cllrs Mott & Southcott (Borough Councillors)

Meeting commenced 7:00pm

1) Public Discussion:

There being no public present it was resolved to proceed directly to the agenda items.

2) Apologies for absence:


3) Declarations of interest: 


4)   Minutes of previous meeting:

After an agreed change to the address in item 13, the minutes were approved as a true record. Proposed – Cllr Cook, Seconded – Cllr Squires. All in favour. The agreement to be noted on the published minutes.

5)  Matters arising from previous meeting:

Item 13. Records show that the footpath from Hawthorn Park is the responsibility of Devon County Council. Cllr Sanders will arrange for Highways to clean the surface.

Item 9. With no evidence that drivers are exceeding the current 30mph limit passing the primary school, and no record of any serious damage-only or personal injury collisions on the same stretch of road, Councillors agreed that there was no point in pursuing a further reduction in the speed limit. 

6) Reports from Outside Bodies


7) Report from Borough Councillors:

Report to follow. Subsequently circulated to Councillors. 

8) Climate Emergency (Standing Item)

Nothing further to add at this stage.

9) Public toilets (Standing Item)

Cllr Grigg reported that the toilets would be ready to open before the Easter break which starts on 2nd April 2021. The cleaning regime which existed when the toilets closed in October will resume at that point. 

The Chair thanked Cllr Grigg on the Council’s behalf for his continued work in keeping the toilets open and safe.

10) Lydford Lengthsman

Councillors accepted the list of sites proposed by Cllr Skeaping as the basis for an agreed regular scheme of works for a lengthsman. The Council currently has in excess of £500 in reserve which has been set aside from previous works to pay for this. There are also Community Highway Enhancement grants available from DCC Highways which can be used to help pay for the work of a lengthsman. Clerk to approach the lengthsman from Mary Tavy with a view to him accepting the work. (AP1) Should this line of enquiry fail, there are at least two parishioners who would be willing to train to complete the work.

11) Granite Way

Councillors were disappointed to hear of a difficult conversation between Cllr Skeaping and two riders regarding horse droppings on the Granite Way. There was some uncertainty as to the law and responsibility in what is a multi-user route, and whether the stretch of the Granite Way in question is a bridle way or not. Until the Council hears back from John Baker the Public Rights of Way Officer, there is nothing further that can be done.

12) Future Meetings of the Parish Council

The current legislation allowing remote meetings expires on 7th May and there are no current expectations that it will be renewed. There was considerable debate about how the Council should proceed, but until there is clarification from Government it was felt that further debate was pointless. To be put onto the agenda for next meeting (AP2).

13) Finances

a) Councillors resolved to approve the following payments: 

  1. J Bright                          £307.52           February pay
    1. HMRC                              £72.40           PAYE February
    1. J Bright                            £14.39           Zoom subscription
    1. WDBC                            £215.04           Toilets – electricity & servicing

Proposed – Cllr Blackmore, Seconded – Cllr Grigg. All in favour.

b) Clerk was asked to bring a proposal on the reserve funds to be used to meet the current year’s overspend (AP3)

14) Planning applications

Councillors agreed the responses to applications:

0019/21 Heather, Lydford – Infill area to create utility room to the side of the dwelling. Councillors supported this application.

15) Other Business by permission of the Chair

Councillors were pleased to hear that parishioner Mrs Jameson had paid for the repair of two benches on High Down in memory of her late husband, and agreed that a card of thanks be sent to Mrs Jameson (AP4)

A new standing agenda item on the safety observations made of the Playground Equipment will be added to future agendas (AP5)

Meeting closed 20:15

Next meeting Tuesday 9th March 2021, 19:00. This meeting to be held online.


AP1Clerk to approach Jim Jefferies, lengthsman for Mary Tavy & other parishes. With a view to him becoming the lengthsman for Lydford.Completed 11.2.21 Mr Jefferies to walk through the identified tasks with Cllr Skeaping.
AP2Clerk to add the question of meetings post 7.5.21 to future agendas until resolved.Added to March agenda. 12.2.21 latest DALC advice circulated to Councillors for information
AP3Clerk to work-up proposal for how the overspend 2020/21 should be paid from reserves.Completed 24.2.21. Circulated to Councillors with closing financial report.
AP4Cllr Skeaping to write card of thanks to Mrs Jefferies and deliver through her door.Completed 11.2.21
AP5Standing item on Playground Safety Inspections to be added to agendas from MarchCompleted 24.2.21