Minutes – December 14th 2021

Minutes of the meeting of Lydford Parish Council Tuesday 14th December 2021, starting at 19:00

Present: Cllr Tainsh, Cllr MacIntyre, Cllr Squires (Chair), Cllr Cook, Cllr Skeaping. John Bright (Clerk)

  1. Public Session 


  • Apologies for Absence

Cllr Grigg (dentist), Cllr Blackmore (Covid concerns), Cllr Sanders (isolation), Cllrs Mott & Southcott (prior engagements). All accepted.

  • Declarations of Interest 



4.     Minutes of the meeting held 9th November 2021

  • After removal of one sentence in item 5, it was resolved to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Proposed Cllr Tainsh, seconded Cllr Squires. All in favour
  • Matters arising from the meeting 9th November 2021
  • Clerk reported that the notice boards outside Nicholls Hall discussed at last meeting as needing repair are the responsibility of the Council. Cllr Tainsh to make enquiries of a parishioner who may be willing to take the job on.(AP1)
  • Cllr Grigg reports that the bramble hedges in Hawthorn Park that were the subject of enquiry at last month’s meeting have all been trimmed back.
  • The Council will not be furthering the idea to install cycle racks in the village as none of the proposed sites belong to the Council.
  • Update on matters that have arisen since last meeting
  • Nil
  • Reports from Outside Bodies
  • Nil
  • Borough Councillors Report (circulated)
  • Councillors are keen to see the SpeedWatch group up and running in Lydford. It was agreed that the Council should lend its support in ensuring that the matter be expedited in good time. Clerk to enquire of Cllr Southcott what assistance the Council might render (AP2)
  • Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)
  • The different quotes from Western Power for bringing appropriate levels of power to the car park were discussed. 

Cllr MacIntyre to explore various business models which might fund the installation (AP3). 

Clerk to liaise with MTPC re their project progress (AP4)

  1. Public toilets (standing item)
  2. CCTV – to be installed 18/19 Dec. Cllr Grigg has completed the online survey required and will bring to January meeting
  3. Clerk to seek clarification from WDBC on the implications of clause 1.9 (unlimited liability) (AP5).
  1. Playground (standing item)
  2. Councillors discussed the report from DMAT about the security of the swing system in the playground. Whilst the report did not identify any immediate issues with the apparatus it was agreed that the recommendation of the report (that the footings of the equipment be more securely installed in the ground) be followed. Clerk to contact installers as first option (AP6)
  1. Finances
    1. Monthly payments

Councillors resolved to approve the payments:

  1. J Bright                 £307.52             Salary December
  2. HMRC                                 £72.40             PAYE December
  3. Branson Ltd           £931.20             Home Guard bench

Proposed, Cllr MacIntyre, seconded Cllr Tainsh. All in favour.   

  • Budget 2022 – 23

Councillors proposed an increase in Precept of 3%, with any additional spending for the year to be covered from reserves. Clerk to work up figures ready for approval at January meeting (AP7)

Councillors agreed to a variation in the Council Reserves Policy, allowing for the creation of a specific Ear Marked Reserve (EMR). This reserve to receive funds budgeted for dispersal as grants but not claimed during the budgeted year. RT, SS all

  • To approve Council holding funds raised for 2022 Platinum Jubilee
  1. Actions taken under delegated authority since last meeting:


  1. Planning Applications:


  1. Council Policies:

Councillors resolved to continue with three policies:

  • Safeguarding policy V.1 (2018) – continue without change
  • Standing Orders (2019) – continue without change
  • Data Protection Policy (2019) – continue, but with the addition of para. 7 relating to the Information Commissioner

Proposed, Cllr MacAlister, seconded Cllr Cook, all in favour.

  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.
  2. Councillor Tainsh – visitors are using the bus shelter by the War Memorial when catching the 118 bus. Timetable to be printed and placed on the shelter for information. (AP8)

Meeting closed at 8:32 pm

Signed                                                             Date

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 11th January 2022

Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Action Points:

1Cllr Tainsh to enquire whether a parishioner would be willing to undertake some maintenance of the parish notice boards 
2Clerk to enquire of Cllr Southcott as to whether Council can be of assistance with D&C police in establishing Lydford SpeedWatchFrom Cllr Southcott, all presently in hand.
3Cllr MacIntyre to investigate different business models covering installation and operation of rapid charging point in the car park 
4Clerk to liaise with Mary Tavy Parish Council over the process for installing a RVC in the village.Meeting on 12th January, Coronation Hall
5Clerk to raise with WDBC the concerns of Councillors regarding clause 1.9 of the draft contract for maintaining the toiletsWDBC not willing to move in any way on the clause.
6Clerk to ask installers of the swing set in the playground as to whether they can upgrade the fixings securing it to the ground.Enquiry sent. Awaiting a reply from Caledonia Play Ltd, Kinross
7Clerk to work up budget based upon 3% increase in precept.Completed. Circulated to Councillors.
8Clerk to arrange for 118 route timetable to be printed on appropriate medium.Awaiting response from printers (3.1.22)