Minutes – September 12th 2023


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7:00pm

  1. Public Session (15 minutes) 

The Chair began the meeting by offering the Council’s condolences to Cllr Sanders on the sad death of his wife. He also wanted to express his thanks to Paul Brooke for his donation to the Council of a copy of the photo book on the 2023 Beating of the Bounds.

Cllr Skeaping first invited Richard Drysdale, Director of Conservation and Communities, Dartmoor National Park to give an update on the car park and charges. Richard began by reviewing the activity & discussions to date, and made the following points – 

  • Meters to be installed and charging to start in early 2024.
  • £3 for 3 hours £5 all day. 10am to 6pm Monday to Saturday, 1pm to 6pm Sundays. Outside of those hours, parking will be free.
  • There may be scope for issuing residents permits if demand allows.
  • Parking charges are planned to be paid by card or through an app such as Ringo, probably not cash.
  • Car parking for 25 cars (estimated) presently 22 places.
  • There will be Number Plate Recognition software in operation to identify vehicles which have not paid to park.

Cllr Skeaping then threw the discussion open to the floor. Parishioners raised a variety of concerns with Richard, specifically relating to the issue of anticipated displacement parking. Cllr Sanders for DCC Highways stated that the parish council can request yellow lines be installed on the highway if the effects of on street parking become untenable. Mr. Drysdale assured the meeting that the National Park will monitor the parking in and around the car park and is prepared to return to the issue if needed.

Cllr Gilpin asked whether there were any conditions attached to the deeds when the site was transferred from DCC to DNPA. Mr. Drysdale replied that the deeds were clear and with no conditions attached.

Cllr Gilpin felt that the primary difference between Lydford car park and those at Princetown, Haytor and Postbridge is that whilst these car parks are used almost exclusively by tourists, the car park at Lydford is used predominately by residents.

The possibility of the site being purchased or leased was briefly discussed. Mr. Drysdale felt that members of DNPA are not likely to want to transfer the car park assets to the village but that they might be willing to consider a leasing arrangement. He agreed to try and get possible prices from DNPA for purchase or lease deals.(AP1 – Clerk to remind RD to give price for sale or lease).

It was suggested that as both committees are struggling to find and retain members, it might be wise for the Sports Field and Hall committees to amalgamate. Cllr Hulett has offered to replace Cllr Grigg on the Hall committee.

  • Apologies for absence

Cllrs K Lenton, Hulett, Grigg. Cllr Southcott

Present – Cllrs L Lenton, Gilpin, Moyse, Skeaping (chair). Cllr Mott (WDBC) Cllr Sanders (DCC), Simon Thompson (NT), Jared Lothian (Castle Inn), 11 members of parish.

  • Declarations of Interest


  • Minutes of the meeting 11th July 2023 

It was resolved to accept the minutes as a complete record of the meeting. Proposed Cllr Gilpin, seconded Cllr Lenton, all in favour.

  • Matters arising from the meeting 11th July 2023 

(For information only)

  • Cllr L Lenton to approach Hall trustees – will they be willing to contribute to the purchase of a community notice board?
  • No luck obtaining sponsors for the speed awareness banners. Would the DMAT be agreeable to signs being placed around the school? (AP3 – Clerk to contact school)
  • Car parking in Lydford

Previously discussed.

  • Housing in Lydford 

Cllr Mott – WDBC have been conducting a survey of housing needs in the borough, including Lydford. The report will be available soon. Should the parish council wish to conduct its own survey it should consult with their Borough Councillor first. Cllr Mott has previously circulated the questionnaire used in the survey.

Cllr Moyse stated a preference for the way the Community Landtrust operate and felt that they might be much more suitable as a partner. It might be appropriate when the council knows better what it wants to do, to invite Community Landtrust to come and talk to the PC.

If anyone lives in the village and is in need of housing, please let LPC know. 

Cllr Lenton felt that a much deeper understanding of the issue is needed before we decide how we want to proceed.

  • Notice Boards outside Nicholls Hall

Cllr Lenton felt that the council needed to understand better whether the Nicholls Hall committee were willing to assist with the cost of one of the noticeboards. She will approach the committee at their next meeting to make the proposal. (AP4)

  • Speed through the village

Council’s activities to date were reviewed but no further action could be taken.

  1. Correspondence
  1. Finances
    1. Cllrs resolved to approve the payments below, proposed Cllr Lenton, seconded Cllr Skeaping. All in favour.
  1. J. Bright                            £340.58           September salary
    1. HMRC                                £80.60           PAYE September
    1. Parish Online                     £48.00           Annual Subscription
  • Banking reconciliation 31.8.23 – for information

Opening balance 1.4.23         £10,015.25                              Bank holdings

Add receipts                              £5,215.17                              Deposit Account         £11,550.61

Less payments                         £3,480.88                              Current account               £198.93

                                                £11,749.54                                                                  £11,749.54

  1. Actions taken under delegated authority since July meeting.

Cllrs noted the following payments –

  1. Transfer from savings to current account 10.8.23 –   £500.00
  2. HMRC – PAYE August, 11.8.23                                  £80.60
  3. J Bright – August salary                                             £340.58
  1. Planning

Cllrs noted but did not wish to make any further comment on the TPO placed on the beech tree 23/0053 (Clearview)

  1. Any urgent business not listed on the agenda.

Questions were raised over the sums raised by the Sports Field Committee at their recent fayre. It was requested that the committee make it clearer how much was raised and how those funds will be used (AP5, Cllr Gilpin to re-circulate / publish a summary account)

Cllr Lenton explained that the Links Committee are changing their rules on funding of Cllr training. She produced documents from the committee for circulation to members, requesting a response. (AP6 – Clerk to circulate).

Cllr Skeaping reminded the council that to be properly constituted there should be a Vice-chair elected. Cllr Hulett has offered to stand. Cllr Skeaping asked that the matter be included in the agenda for the October meeting. (AP7 – Clerk to include).

End of meeting 20.03

Signed – Minutes agreed. 17.10.23 (Item 5)

Action points arising from meeting:

 Action required byAction requiredOutcomes of action taken
01ClerkContact Richard Drysdale to obtain possible prices from DNPA for sale or lease of the car park.22.9.23 – contact made. Very unlikely, but no firm decision reached as yet. Will chase before October meeting.
03ClerkContact Lydford Primary School to enquire whether they might be willing to engage in the 20’s plenty campaign and display signs to motorists.Initial contact made 4.10.23 Awaiting reply.
04Cllr L LentonApproach Nicholls Hall trustees to see whether they would be willing to contribute towards the cost of a new community notice board.Trustees have agreed, with conditions.
05Cllr GilpinRe-circulate summary account of funds raised at Lydford summer fayre.Figures published in October Parish newsletter.
06ClerkCirculate communications from Southern Links group on funding for Cllr trainingCirculated
07ClerkInclude agenda item for election of Vice-Chair.Included