Minutes – September 13th 2016


Minutes of the Meeting 

held on Tuesday 13th September 2016 at 7pm

Public Time

The PC meeting took place on the 13th September and fourteen members of the public attended including a group of young people.  There was a request from the young people about constructing a small skate ramp in the sports field. Mr and Mrs Gasgoyne reported that they had met with DNPA Mr Beasley (DNPA) regarding the beech trees in their garden. The PC advised Mr and Mrs Gasgoyne that they would need to make a formal application to have the trees removed before the PC could make a formal comment.


Cllrs Fowler, Cook, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Mills, Skeaping and Tainsh.  Also present Mrs T Redding (Clerk) 

  1. Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th July 2016

The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Fowler. 

  • Matters arising from the Minutes dated 12th  July 2016

The Clerk provided an update on the actions from the previous meeting. 

  • Japanese knotweed, The PC recognized that this was not their responsibility since the weed was either on public highway or on DNPA land. DNPA is responsible for clearing surface vegetation on paths. The Clerk was asked to contact DNPA to find out who would be responsible for the removal outside the Siddleys and to notify Defra regarding the weed on the highway (A1).
  • Lengthsmen: The Clerk was asked to find out about Chapter 8 Lengthsmen training and to inform Mr Taylor about the courses available. (A2)
  • VAS signs – quotes have been received and the PC agreed to go ahead with ordering the signs and for Highways to install them. The Clerk will take this forward (A3). 
  • The defibrillator cabinet has not arrived and Cllr Fowler will be asking for a quote for an electrician to install it. The PC will be organising some training for the general public in CPR in the future.

Matters arising:

  • Email database on the website. The PC needs to look at the issues with data protection for this to be installed. 
  • Clerk review – the PC agreed to place the Clerk on pay point 17 and back date this to January 2016
  • Reports from Outside Bodies

Mr Williams updated the PC regarding the Playground and MUGA. The Playground committee is organizing a Bistro for the 26th November. A sign and notice board for the playground will be erected shortly at the entrance to the lane to the sports field. Lydstock raised £1700 for the playground. The annual review of the playground is due soon and the Clerk was asked to check the insurance documents to see if this was required under the insurance terms as well. Mr Williams also informed the meeting that after discussions with the school it has been decided to pool funds for a joint MUGA to be constructed within the school grounds for both school and public use. Mr Williams will check on the insurance agreements for during school times and other times and he agreed to ask the Federation about out of hours use. 

  • Borough Council Reports.


  • Finances

The Clerk provided an update on finances, including the status of the reserves. 

  1. Bills for Payment

£280.75 Salary Clerk (1237)

£55.80   HMRC (1236)

£55.80  HMRC (1238)

  • Grant Applications


  • Planning Applications

1.DNPA Certificate of Lawful use – Silver Street – noted

2. DPNA Planning 0313/16 Conditional planning granted – Equest – noted

3. Tor Brae – The PC noted the letter from Mr and Mrs Middler and will await any formal correspondence before responding. It was noted that in terms of planning nothing substantial had changed. 

  • Correspondence
    • Dartmoor Community Paths Scheme – information noted
    • DNPA Calendar of Events – noted
    • VAS signs – letters from Mr Etherington and B Greig – noted and Clerk will respond (A4)
    • Knotweed – discussed above
    • DALC conference – noted
    • DALC Annual Report
    • Lydford Map – The quality of the map from DNPA is not in a high enough resolution. Cllr MacIntyre offered to respond to DNPA to either get a higher resolution or to investigate and map from the Land Registry.(A5)
    • Affordable Housing – this information was noted
    • Open Air Cinema Enquiry – Cllr Tainsh offered to contact the enquirer and the Clerk was asked to forward the information. (A6)
    • Note from the internal auditor – the information regarding risk assessment was noted and the Clerk has undertaken a risk assessment and the PC agreed to review this in 6 months March 2017. The external auditor would also be contacted regarding fees. (A7)
  1. Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
  2. Email database

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 11th October 2016

  1. Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair

The Chair proposed that the PC discuss the requested skateboard area. The PC in general supported the idea but requested that the group provided more information and Cllr McIntyre offered to meet with the group to help them collect more details regarding costs and construction. 

This issue of potholes and deep ruts in the road at the top of Lydford was highlighted. The Clerk was asked to mention the MyDevon reporting site in the parish magazine (A8)

Meeting closed at 21.00

.Signed ___________________ Chairperson            Dated                                2016

Action List October 2016

1Japanese knotweed report to Defradone
2Lengthsmen trainingEmail sent to S Taylor with information
3VAS signageQuote received and Highways asked to go ahead.
4VAS responsesEmail sent to B Greig and R Ellington
5Lydford Map – Cllr MacIntyre to contact… 
6Open Air CinemaInformation forwarded to Cllr Tainsh
7Contact external auditorTo discuss further
8Information on mydevon site in Parish MagazineTBC

Finance summary to 1 August  2016

July 2016 Cheque number Amount   
Balance 06/06/2016£15479     
Expenditure to 31.06.16    Income May/Jun 
Came and Co14.06.161223£457.43 Dep (TAR) Beating Bounds£117.75
HMRC14.06.161225£55.20  Dep (TAR) Beating Bounds coins£35 
BHF Defibrillator14.06.161226£400   
 T Redding pay14.06.161224£238.42   
Total  £1151.05   
New balance 25/05/16£14480.70     
OF THIS      
RESERVES £5,230.70    
Ancient spring 163.00£163.00     
Election reserve £800.00     
Parish Reserve£4,000.00     
General reserves£267.70     
PLAYGROUND balance £5,619.00    
PC Balance £3,631    
total £14480.60