Minutes – September 2024
Minutes of the meeting of the council held on
Tuesday 10th September 2024 at 7:00pm
Present: Cllrs Hulett (Chair), Cook, Moyse, Skeaping, Lenton K, Lenton L, Gilpin; Verena McConnell; Simon Thompson (NT Lydford Gorge); Kit Hancock (DNPA Ranger).
- Public Session (15 minutes)
Simon Thompson reported that the year to date had been a success with over 24,000 visits this summer. There had been a massive issue with parking on Gorge Hill on the August bank holiday. This was caused because staff had been required by NT regulations to close the site because of high winds reported to be more than 40mph. Staff had been sent home because there was nothing to do.
Simon was asked whether in future someone might be usefully left behind to deal with issues such as those that arose because the car park was closed. Simon will see whether the Gorge Hill car park might be kept open in future.
Following an issue experienced by a local driver when exiting the Waterfall car park, staff are looking to move the entrance / exit signage to allow better vision.
Verena McConnell explained some problems that are felt to have arisen because of the newly created disabled parking bay on School Road. It was explained that the matter had already been raised with Devon Highways who were unwilling to respond to concerns. It was agreed that a letter be written to Meg Booth, the Head of Devon Highways asking for the claims raised to be investigated properly. (CC’d to Cllr Philip Sanders). (AP1 – Clerk to draft letter).
The new DNPA Ranger Kit Hancock came to introduce himself. Kit stated that a new bridge is being installed across the river Lyd at High Down to replace the existing bridge which has reached the end of its useful life.
2. Apologies for absence
Cllr Sanders (Devon County)
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Gilpin declared a personal interest in the management of the sports field (Agenda item 6).
4. Minutes of the meeting 9th July 2024
The minutes were accepted by all as an accurate record of the meeting.
5. Matters arising from the meeting 9th July 2024
- The Clerk outlined the correspondence with War Memorials Trust on the topic of cleaning Lydford War Memorial. Some more photographs have been sent to the Trust at their request and the council is now awaiting guidance on what work needs to be carried out. It is very unlikely that the Memorial will be cleaned in time for November’s Remembrance Day ceremonies. It was agreed that the Clerk should purchase two wreaths ready for October’s meeting, to be the council’s contribution to the ceremony. (AP2 – Clerk to purchase).
- The Clerk outlined the meeting and correspondence that had been conducted with Highways on the concerns raised by parishioners and Councillors, and their response.
- Planning application 0303/24 – installation of a boiler flue at Lyd Barn has been approved.
- 6. Playground
- The anticipated offer from the Sports Field Committee regarding their proposal to assume responsibility for future maintenance and repair of the playground is still awaited.
- Cllr Gilpin stated that a quote had been received by the Sports Field committee for the repair of the steps. The Committee feel that the equipment will be completely fit for purpose once all of the repairs have been completed. Until that time the defective equipment will remain closed.
- Cllr Cook asked what assurances are there that the work will be properly inspected and certified once it is completed? It was agreed that an inspection would be delayed until all the work had been completed.
- The question was asked as to the true ownership of the Sports Field AP3 – Clerk to find out.
The council resolved not to replace the noticeboard at the Sports Field but instead to donate it to the trustees. Proposed – Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr K Lenton, all in favour. (AP4 – Clerk to write to Sports Field trustees. AP5 – Clerk to update Asset Register by removing the third notice board from the register
7. Creation of a Parish Committee (Cllr Hulett)
Councillors supported the work of Cllr Hulett in his work with others to create an overarching forum containing all the groups and bodies active in the village, and were content for him to speak on behalf of the council.
8. Remembrance Sunday
Councillors adopted the proposed order for the operation of the service at the Memorial on Remembrance Sunday.
9. New council website
Councillors decided that the new website would contain only a picture of the face of each Councillor and their council email address.
10. Finances
- Councillors resolved to approve the payments:
- J. Bright £368.24 September salary
- HMRC £87.60 PAYE September
- Steve Hulett £62.84 Emergency equipment
Proposed Cllr K Lenton, seconded Cllr Cook, all in favour.
b. Banking reconciliation for period 1.4.24 to 31.8.24
for information
Opening balance 1.4.24 £10,705.30 Bank holdings at 31.08.24
Add receipts £5,478.07 Deposit Account £10,661.26
Less payments £5,459.68 Current Account £62.43
£10,723.69 £10,723.69
c. Donation to Devon Air Ambulance
The Chair thanked Cllr K Lenton for organizing the sessions, which were well attended and well received. AP6 Cllr Lenton will write a summary piece for the parish magazine. Councillors resolved to donate £50 to Devon Air Ambulance in gratitude for their work in running the sessions. Proposed Cllr Hulett, seconded Cllr Moyse. All in favour. AP7 – Clerk to arrange payment.
d. Appointment of internal auditor for next year.
Councillors agreed to appoint Penny Clapham as the council’s internal auditor for the year 2024-25.
e. Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation
Councillors approved the actions of the Clerk:
- 09.07.24 Savings to current a/c £500.00
- 28.07.24 Savings to current a/c £1,000.00
- 22.8.24 Savings to current a/c £100.00
- 29.7.24 First Rescue (defib pads) £138.00
Jonathan Franklin (playground repairs) £300.00
Zoro (verge markers) £89.97
Steve Hulett (Emergency Equipment) £14.88
- 22.8.24 John Bright (August salary) £368.24
HMRC (PAYE August) £87.60
- 27.8.24 Steve Hulett (Emergency equipment) £85.96
11. Council policies
Councillors agreed to adopt the following new policies –
- Defibrillator policy
- Asset (valuation) register policy
12. Urgent business not listed on the agenda, with permission of the Chair.
Cllr Gilpin announced that the trustees were holding a meeting in the Sports Hall at 7.00pm on 25.9.24 re next year’s fayre.
Meeting closed 8:30 pm